public art

Tag: public art


statues in memento park budapest
Lorraine Aaron

Monumental Truths

So many major events have hit the world hard in the last few months, it’s been hard to concentrate on the day to day when life as we know it is in flux. The most recent and highly charged of these events has been a series of horrific incidents of

Lorraine Aaron

HenPower meets Curious Egg

‘ HenPower? Ageing? What on earth has that got to do with art or interiors?!’, I hear you shout. Wellโ€ฆ more than you might think so bear with me while I introduce you to an amazing idea. When we set up Curious Egg, we wanted to connect three distinct elements

Lorraine Aaron

Flea Market Finds!

After a day or two of rest we head in for another day in Berlin. This time a recommended Sunday flea market and ‘hidden’ art market are our target destinations.  Berlin has a lovely vibe on a Sunday with plenty of excuses to kick back, relax and people watch. There are one or


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