As you may know by now, Curious Egg is about bringing together three elements under one roof as a lifestyle store; art, interiors and wellbeing. I feel strongly that these things should be intertwined and are intrinsic in creating a healthy, happy home – one that ultimately allows you to be yourself and tell your personal story. So when the two lovely hosts of the hugely popular Style Matters Podcast got in touch to talk to me about my background in art and how art contributes to meaningful homemaking, I felt genuinely honoured and excited!
Karen June Grant and Zandra Zuraw are also the creators of Little Yellow Couch lifestyle design blog which ‘tells the stories behind beautiful interiors to uncover the substantive reasons why style matters.‘ In their weekly podcast, ‘they interview designers and stylists about how they view their homes in relation to their overall well being and happiness and talk about why cultivating a personal aesthetic is so rewarding‘. I knew I’d found kindred spirits and that this would be a truly engaging chat (even if I felt slightly queasy at the thought of my voice being aired to the world – cringe!)
They both have a knack for crafting questions that lift the lid on personal stories and really get to the heart of what crafting a home means to different people. The conversations are about more than wallpaper, ornament and the latest trends – they dig deeper into what lies beneath the decorative skin of this most intimate environment.
They are also great at ‘hearing’ what you’re really saying and they summed up with such a beautiful interpretation of my answer to their final question of the interview ‘Why does Style Matter?’ that I’m signing off with a quote from their instagram feed:
” If we have food, shelter, a way to make a living and feel safe from violence, we’re doing better than a lot of other people in the world. So yes, having the time, ability and money to express yourself in your home through style is a luxury but instead of thinking of it as a frivolous pastime, we think of it as a gift not to be wasted”
You can listen to the full conversation by clicking the link below while you’re making a cuppa! I’d love to hear your own thoughts in the comments.
Related Links:
Charles Jencks – Garden of Cosmic Speculation
The Museum of Broken Relationships via blog
Maggie’s Centres
Ian Hamilton Findlay’s Garden via blog
Talking Interiors On The Little Yellow Couch!
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