So starting the blog was the first part of the dream, the second was to go on a trip. A trip like no other we’ve ever been on and one that would mean throwing caution to the wind, jumping off the edge and not knowing where or if we would land. We’ve talked about this for years, both packing in our jobs and doing something we really love. Lots of people talk about this I know but I think reaching forty does something to you and it doesn’t always have to be a midlife ‘crisis’. We both felt we wanted to change some things in our life, not that things were ever bad but they were beginning to take a predictably safe course and we didn’t want to look back and wish we’d done the things we dreamed about when we could. Its easy to let years fly by and before you know it you’re past the point of no return and those dreams are distant memories. Only one thing for it then….Carpe Diem!
We got a year planner and started to mark key dates for turning things around, the leaving dates for our jobs, the date we would sell the car, the date we’d buy a campervan that would take us on a tour of Europe, the date we’d rent our house out and the date we’d leave on our adventure. If they thought we’d completely lost the plot our friends and family never let on, they’ve been amazingly supportive about the whole crazy plan.
We plan to visit ten countries in three months and explore a selection of towns and cities in each. I hope to discover and visit some artists and makers of incredible products along the way and I’ll be sharing my encounters with you all as I do. Watch this space.
1 thought on “The Trip”
Great to see the blog has started. Very well put together and written. The website is looking great! Hope you’re both having a great time and will make many valuable business contacts. Love to you both…and of course to Miko!! A x